Tuesday, May 15, 2007

For You

Trapped are the slaves to society
No doubt, guided by false stars
Hinged expectations of propriety
Prisoners behind invisible bars
Happy is the humble servant
To his friends and family
Simply guided by observation
Of the evil that has seeded here
And taken root in our minds
Under the skin, kept so near
To the things we should hold dear
Forget the materialistic flowers
That wither away with ill circumstance
Remember to acknowledge the beauty
Of our own being and conscience
To live aware, that is our duty
And to show those the way
To the worldly essences
Of respect, friendship, and love
That swell with luminescence
Of your heart and those next to you
Travel well, and travel far
But beware of pain and hurt
For they are with you always
But only to make you stronger
Than you ever thought possible
If you battle them head on
And take the good from within
The most insane of scenarios

Remember. Life is cruel. Life is mean. Life is a big ugly bitch. But at the same time. Life is loving. Life is caring. Life is the most beautiful of all. And the journey is simply a choice. Will you let it eat you alive, or when life hits you with a torrential storm, will you dance in the rain? Why are we here? That question can have so many answers. But for me personally life is simply about the people around you. Love each other, love your friends like they were family. Respect those you don't know. Steer away from evil forces, people or otherwise. Do not let society poison you with its bullshit. Make your mission so that people remember you. And that they remember you not for your wealth, your materialistic items, your looks, but for your attitude and how you treated everyone with dignity and kindness. If you die and people remember your name and love you for what you showed them. You have accomplished a beautiful thing. It is hard. But it is worth it. The rollercoaster that never stops. You will have your moments of tranquility, you will have your moments of excitement, thrills, you will have your moments of sadness, depression, your moments of sheer terror, your moments of heartbreak, and love. But thats the ride. Thats life. It is a bitch, but it is a beautiful bitch. Above and beyond what most people can even comprehend. So I write it down for you. Whether or not I make sense. I write it for you. My people. My friends. My family.

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