Saturday, May 12, 2007

No Such Thing

Take me to a place
Where there is no gloom
Take me away to
White shores
And peace
And sanity
For everyone and all
Who dared come this way
The perfect place
Alive and breathing

But there is no such thing
Unsatisfied is the hunger
Always wanting
Always eating
Never content
Never happy

So this is the tragic tale
Of those
Who dreamt the dream
Where life was plentiful
And the air was clean
Man respected beast
Beast understood man

But there is no such thing
Unsatisfied is the soul
Always wanting
Always seeking
Never content
Never happy

Where is it is?
Where is it hidden
The golden gates
To utopia
Whispered from lips
And secured to hearts
No where to be found

A tale
A legend
A myth
Ever eternal

I must admit. Writing when intoxicated, is incredibly fun and fullfilling.

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