Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No Key, No Escape

My father doesn't move
silent, and still
he lies in that bed staring
out the window
like he knows he's in a prison
that has no key
or clever escape route

I watch his eyes dart about
swim in the pain
that sits in his eyes
as he stares out the window

birds chirp and sometimes he blinks
and throws a quick glance my way
then come his tears
and i feel my fears
rise to the top of my mind

My father always loved me
there was no doubt about that
but we didn't see
the same picture
but vivid random colors
splattered about

I watch my father unable to move
and I take his hand
and whisper the things
I never really said enough
"I love you dad, I am sorry"
Please let yourself
come back home...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the sorrow in your words, I do not know your circumstance...I know the pain of loss, for I have loss, I know the pain of regret, for I regret...remind yourself of This Love...remind yourself of His Life...Live in the memories and let the blind stares escape out the window...