Sunday, December 30, 2012


You are unconditional love at its finest
and it pours from your little face freely
reflected in loving eyes as you approach
with spirits held high and a heart wide open

You are joy when life batters us with tears
always warm and eager to embrace
with such energy that fills empty cups
until we can drink no more and smile

You are the companion we all hope for
a loyal and unflinching friend in dark hours
with a stare that can melt winter's frost
to bare new flowers in springs birth

You are a gift sought out and delivered
with paws perfectly placed on our souls
and kisses that break iron forged gates
leaving cuddles to soothe fresh sorrows

You are the symbol of a dream so deep
caught between your tail and playful barks
mixed with cherished walks to remind us
that a king is nothing without his queen

- For Maya (Happy 2nd Birthday. I miss you.)

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