Friday, July 27, 2007

The Sunset

Do you see what I see? Sunset- look!
The setting sun- clouds- rays dancing
As I watch- my heart jumps- its asking
A question- can you see? The sunset

Red- gold- oh so beautiful- so divine
The rays of reddish hues- so many lines
Breaking the barriers of the horizon
Golden gods- hmmm.... do you see?

The sunset in your eyes- so alive
I watch it sink lower- the sky flows
So many colors interlocked- twisted
A moment that should never be missed

The sun is setting- the world weeps
It isn't going away- but bringing a new day
But, yet it weeps- cries so hard- why?
Simple- darling- it shall never see the same sky
The same colors- the same hues of beauty

I watch the sunset- I watch it closely
The red- the orange- the gold- lovely!
The perfect combination of colors and life
Such is the sunset in your eyes...

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