Monday, May 26, 2008

Star Gazing

He's been gazing into the cosmos
with a finger pointed straight up
watching shooting stars
flashing in the primordial soup
With an eye to the future
but his steps are cemented
in the fragments of the present

He's been gazing out at the stars
with a naked eye that sees past
the flaws that chain bodies
to the gravity of gas giants
he has released the shackles
that threaten the dark space
in between the sighs of planets

He's been gazing into a sun
watching as it swells and bursts
from the pain of a thousand
worlds stripped of their light
and forced to bow before false love
the cosmic circle is ever eternal
but in the moment; he does gaze

-For GM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely poem. I especially like the way you end it, aptly juxtaposing perpetuity and fleeting moments.